You're probably thinking,
"Wtf is a F.A.G?" XD
Simply, it
stands for "Fine and Glorificent", a cute title
my friends and I use to address ourselves with. So, we're
F.A.G's! ... Can you see why we love this title?
We met back in the Pokemon TCG Leagues, which is really
sad. XD We've been friends for well over four years, and
it's amazing how we've never gotten into any arguments.
Our lives have been very simular growing up, so I guess
that's why we get along so well. We also have our own
language, which is quite amusing and can scare a lot of
people. XD
Okay, she's not really a F.A.G, but she's here anyways.
We saw eachother now and then back in elementry school,
and very rarely talked. Then came highschool and we
realized we both liked anime. ^^; We've been friends
since, and have shared many dorky (and very F.A.G)
moments. She's so cuuuuuute! *pinches cheeks*
My big sister! Well, not really. She and I have so much
in common it's scary, really. We almost always end up
watching the same shows at the same time, so we're TV
Twins, apparently. Uh.. Yeah. X_x;
Minumi's little sister. She's so quiet and shy, it's
adorable. But when she's feeling more open, holy crap can
she be hillarious! She's very proud to be a F.A.G.
Minumi's fiance and my favorite American to tease. XD I
will admit that I make far too many jokes targetting
Americans, and this poor guy gets almost all of them. I
give him credit for not killing me yet! ... Or burning a
Canadian flag infront of me.
